The devastating floods that swept through Baghlan province on May 10, 2024, have left behind a trail of destruction, affecting numerous districts and causing irreparable loss to families and communities. At WYFAO (Women and Youth Future Assist Organization), our hearts go out to the affected individuals and families who are grappling with the aftermath of this calamity.
Situation Overview:
The flood, which began in the late afternoon of May 10, 2024, has impacted several districts including Pol-e-Khumri, Baghlan-e-Markazi, Burka, Guzargah, and others. The toll of this disaster is staggering, with over 300 lives lost, more than 170 individuals injured, and thousands displaced. In Burka district alone, over 2000 households have been damaged, leaving families without shelter and basic necessities.
Our Response:
In response to this crisis, WYFAO has swiftly mobilized emergency response efforts in Barka district. Our initial focus has been on providing critical health services and first aid to vulnerable individuals. However, the scale of the disaster requires additional support to address the escalating needs of the affected population.
Urgent Needs:
- Emergency medicine kits
- Deployment of additional medical personnel
- Essential medical equipment and supplies
How You Can Help:
Your support is crucial in aiding our efforts to mitigate the impact of this disaster and provide essential assistance to those in need. By extending a helping hand, together we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by the flooding in Baghlan province.
Stay Updated:
We are committed to providing regular updates on our emergency response efforts and the evolving situation on the ground. Stay connected with us for the latest developments and opportunities to support our cause.
Join Us in Making a Difference:
Now more than ever, solidarity and compassion are needed to navigate through these challenging times. Join us at WYFAO as we stand in solidarity with the people of Baghlan province and work tirelessly to provide relief and support during this crisis.
Thank you for your unwavering support and generosity.