WYFAO - To Serve Humanity


The health and proper growth of children heavily depend on factors such as access to clean water, toilets, and practicing good hygiene. 
The second highest cause of death among children in Afghanistan is diarrheal diseases, right after respiratory infections.
To ensure themgood health and survival of children, it is highly recommended to educate them about the importance of practicing proper hygiene, including regular handwashing with soap and water.
Another crucial factor is to guarantee their access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation.
Without access to these vital elements, children may suffer from diarrhea and encounter setbacks in their overall growth and development.
In Afghanistan, nearly half of all young children are not experiencing proper growth.
The problem of individuals using outdoor spaces as toilets remains prevalent in Afghanistan. The waste poses a significant risk as it can readily transmit diseases in proximity to water sources and human settlements. This puts children and their families in danger.