Directorate’s Message

WYFAO - To Serve Humanity

Directorate’s Message

WYFAO was founded by professional, Expert, proficient and skilled team in 2016, and determined to be served as a non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit organization for the future of women and youth. It aims to provide balanced, well-adjusted, practical and internationally standardized education and health services to fulfil the needs of young generation in Afghanistan, in accordance with the requirements of the current era and the goals of sustainable development in various health and education sectors. Through the development of equipped educational programs, it seeks to ensure the scientific needs of the young generation in the field of education and health, in order to achieve widespread well-being and desirable progress by promoting knowledge and health services in remote and deprived areas of the country.
To achieve these objectives, the strategic plans of the WYFAO has prioritized the following goals:

1. Placement with global standards:
The education system of the country, the goals of sustainable enlargement, is essential to be equivalent to the international standards, align and bring Afghanistan into developed Afghanistan within the next decade or so. Our educational philosophy, alongside national and Islamic values, aims to impart love for humanity, the necessity of peace and co-occurrence, and recognition of common human values in the children of the country.
Apart from the Education, should be given the preference to the training of children to be the accurate examples of ethics, cultures, and symbols for the society

2. Providing of healthcare services:
Non-governmental organizations, including WYFAO plays a significant role in the health sector. Over the years, the financial and technical support of development donors and partners, the health sector in Afghanistan has made noteworthy progress in improving the health status of the country's population.
These achievements, particularly in terms of increasing access and coverage of essential health services, improving the quality of healthcare, and strengthening institutional management, have been made possible through effective strategic, institutional, and operational actions in the new and upgraded healthcare system. The vision of the health and nutrition sector is to achieve better physical, mental, and social health for all Afghans.
In line with this vision, the overall goal of this sector is effective collaboration with communities and development partners to improve the health and nutrition status of the Afghan people, with a greater focus on women, children, and deprived areas of the country. WYFAO is committed to ensure the speedy adaptation of quality healthcare services for all people of Afghanistan, particularly women, children, and underserved areas, through resource concentration and effective collaboration with communities and other development partners.
3. Budgeting and allocation:
There is an urgent need for increased investment by the international community to meet the educational needs and improve the conditions of education in Afghanistan in a standardized, consistent and balanced manner. Considering that, weak and inadequate educational facilities and resources make education vulnerable and weak, the international community should focus on investing and allocating more funds to improve the quality of educational and teaching systems and provide desirable educational materials., the development of standardized proposals based on the needs of the education sector and strategic objectives of WYFAO, improved coordination to attract projects. It aims to be a good partner with the international community in aligning education sector projects.